
Possible Required Specs for Windows Mobile 7?

Mary Jo Foley lets usa in on some possible info almost this "Pink" stuff.  Beginning, there'southward these reported specs for 'Chasis 1' which according to Foley "seems to be the the heart of the rumored "Pinkish" Microsoft phone and possibly other Windows Mobile seven phones made by Microsoft partners".

In other words, Pink may be a prototype/demo unit of measurement/scaffold for developers to model their next-gen WM7 handsets on--and then Microsoft is setting the bar on what the minimum requirements volition be and what they envision the ideal handset would be like.  Sounds pretty plausible to our ears.  At present onto those rumored specs:

WM7 Chassis 1 Specification

Core requirements:
Processor: ARM v6+, L2 Cache, VFP, Open GL ES 2.0 graphics HW (QCOM 8k, Nvidia AP15/16* and TI 3430 all meet spec)
Memory: 256MB+ DRAM, 1G+ Flash (at least 512MB fast wink – 5MB/s unbuffered read @4K cake size)
Display:  WVGA (800×480) or FWVGA (854×480) 3.5" or greater diagonal
Touch: Multi-touch required
Bombardment: Sufficient to see Days of Use LTK requirements.
Controls: Starting time, Dorsum, Send and Cease are required (soft controls allowed as long equally they are ever present).


Photographic camera: 3MP+, wink optional, 2d camera optional (VGA resolution sufficient)
GPS: aGPS required
Sensors required: Light Sensor, Compass (iii axis, 5 degrees, 100 Hz sample rate), Accelerometer (3 axis, 2mg resolution, 100 Hz sample charge per unit)
USB: High speed required, 20 MB/s transfer rate.
BlueTooth: BT2.1 required, must run MSFT BT stack, CSR BlueCore6 or later recommended.
Wi-Fi: 802.11B/G required, must run MSFT Native Wi-Fi stack, Atheros 6002 or Broadcomm 4325 recommended.
Connectors: Micro USB and 3.5mm Sound required.

FM tuner:  If tuner HW is nowadays it will be detected and supported by the Media awarding.
SD Card (Micro SD recommended)
DPAD, qwerty or 12/20 central keyboards all optional

Then we take an addition of a compass (iPhone is rumored to go that too), microUSB, accelerometer, calorie-free sensors, required aGPS, in that location's that ol' Multi-touch and some high finish processors on board.  Gone is also anything less than VGA for resolution, which is something we welcome.

In that location we take information technology...think this all sounds legit?  Can y'all (and the market) wait till 2022?


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