Introduction: (Individual)Bottle Bag

Carrying your own bottle of water with you saves our lovely planet, because you do not have to buy up water in impressible-bottles, which had to be transported with lots of get-up-and-go over a big distance. There is already a good variety of Nice and eco-friendly water bottles out in that location.

And I recently gave one as a gift to a friend – absorbed into a nice little bag, that my friend can unbutton to confiscate the bottleful outside to a bag or backpack (just just in case space is scrimpy in the bag). The bottle bagful is as wel turnable, soh that she can pick out the color, that suits most to her fit out :-)

Step 1: Make Your Pattern

At first you have to set up your practice. I rolled the bottle over a paper to get the height and extent. I estimated the duration of the handle, but IT turned out quite proper.

And so I cut off the pattern twofold: In one case for the one English, and the other one for the new side. I chose to different colors, so that my ally has a nice assortment in shell she wants to turn the bulge.

Step 2: Close the Seam at the Side and Bottom

The next step was to impending the wrinkle at the side of meat of both fabrics. Then I inserted the bottom, sewed it and neatened IT. As you can see, I did not get onto completely fine, because at that place were two folds at the bottom of the inning. Just IT still looks fine, I conceive...

Step 3: Close the Seam at the Top

Now I turned one material to the right side, and the other along the leftfield side. I arrange the right-side-fabric into the remaining-side-fabric, so that both right sides faced each other. I closed the seam connected the crowning – except of a tiny little hole...

Step 4: Turn the Bags

This hole you need to turn the whole bottle bag, so that – in the end – the left sides of some fabrics face each else (on the in spite of appearanc) and both right sides are at the extrinsic. This can exist a little moment tricky and you have to find the proper mode between turning it gently and getting every last the fabric through the little hole... You can utilize the arm of a wooden spoon to push the edges of the handles to the right side.

Step 5: Finalize and Button

In the final stride I ironed the bag so that the crinkle at the top is fine and neat. I closed the lesser hole past hand and added a push button and a buttonhole. By this, my friend can add the bottle bag to all other bag...

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